
 Optimal Health & Wellness awaits . . . I can help!

Hi, I’m Sujata and I am honored to be connecting with you here on my website. As a woman and single mother of four adult children, I have had my fair share of life’s challenges. I’ve struggled with self-care practices and recurring injuries, endured toxic relationships and unexpected life changing events, and have been challenged in unexpected ways to really dig deep and figure out what I am made of….and to subsequently rise with courage.

I understand how tough it can be to always give to others or to stay in a friendship or relationship that drains you to the point where you have nothing left to give to anyone, including yourself. As a former athlete, I understand the mental anguish of a recurring injury that sets your training back or prevents you from participating in your sport. I’ve been there.

In July of 2014, I suffered a debilitating, crippling side effect from a medication (fluoroquinolone antibiotic) which put me in a wheelchair. Life as I knew it changed overnight. I thought I had lost everything. Through that experience, I was disappointed, invalidated and pushed aside by traditional Western medicine. I had to take it upon myself to find and access the tools I needed to heal. Not only did I need to heal my body, but I also had to heal my mind, navigate PTSD and reclaim my spirit. This included detoxes, integrative health practices, supplements, changes in the way I ate and exercised, and a complete mindset change. To read more about my story, click HERE.

While I know how scary and difficult it can be to navigate through some of what life throws you, I also know how amazing it feels to reclaim your physical, emotional, and spiritual power. Through the practices I am committed to teaching you, I have embraced my circumstances, healed my body and mind, learned forgiveness and “letting go”, stepped away from draining relationships and situations that no longer serve me, and made space to allow for nourishing and loving experiences and relationships to enter. I have remembered WHO I AM.

I have balanced my body with bio-identical hormone replacement, nutritional supplements, healthy nutrition, self-care practices, and physical fitness that suits my needs. I have transformed my mind through meditation, mindfulness, stress management techniques, and breathing techniques, and I have empowered my spirit by choosing to live my passion. Through my journey and experience, I am here to serve you.

What Experts Say

“Sujata is a master of personal transformation. She has applied these timeless healing principles in her own life with powerful results and through her consultations, others can awaken to their own wholeness with grace and ease.”    – Davidji, Certified Vedic Master and Author of Secrets or Meditation

“I have never met a more compassionate, caring and loving soul than Sujata Patel. With years of experience in pharmacology, yoga, meditation and transformation practices, Sujata is uniquely qualified as a healer, teacher and wellness professional. If you’re seeking a guide to help you discover the enhanced wellness and healing potential that lies within you, look no further. ”           -Adam Brady, Certified Yoga, Meditation, and Martial Arts Instructor, Author of Warrior of Light