
Explore Transforming your Mind

  • Do you want to feel more peace and calm?
  • Do you want to identify and release the fears that keep you from living your best life?
  • Do you want to quiet the chatter and internal dialogue in your head?
  • Do you want to live a purposeful life with a deeper connection to yourself and those around you?
  • Do you want to let go of past hurts, anger, and resentments so you can truly live your best, most joyful and meaningful life?
  • Do you want to manifest your deepest driving desires in your life?

I can guide you to move towards a life of peace, serenity, and ease. Using meditation, breathing techniques, mindfulness and other stress management tools, I will teach you how to quiet the chatter of your mind and guide you through processes that allow you to soothe yourself in times of stressful situations. You will be equipped with tools for a host of situations that may arise.

Benefits of having a Daily Meditation and Mindfulness Practice include:

  • Reduce stress and tension through developing spaciousness in your mind
  • Develop a calm and peaceful mind
  • Relax and let go of worries and concerns
  • Develop better focus, concentration and learning abilities
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Improve your relationships and sex life
  • Understand and learn to control your mind
  • Overcome anger and frustration by learning how to respond to difficulties
  • Experience more restful sleep
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Awaken intuition
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Slow your breathing and heart rate and decrease blood pressure
  • Access your creativity
  • Improve physical and emotional well-being
  • Experience more gratitude for life’s offerings
  • Facilitate recovery from injury and get you back to dong what you love

It is not what happens to you but how you respond to it that determines your physiological and emotional health and well-being. Meditation and mindfulness practices, along with stress management techniques and lifestyle changes can positively impact your health.

I have spoken with countless people who seek meditation instruction. One of the first things they tell me is that they think it is going to be too hard, and that they simply cannot stop their thoughts. Some tell me they have “monkey brain”, and they have more thoughts than anyone else. I get it.

We have 60-80 thousand thoughts per day. And when we are consumed with them, it is hard to imagine we will ever be able to find a moment of stillness and silence. I can assure you that no one comes to me because they are already hanging out in their zone of “chill.” Every single person who comes to me for coaching and guidance is here because they have hope.

I make meditation approachable, easy to understand and learn, and I provide you with practical tips on how to integrate it into your already busy life. Once clients start working with me, they find that through my compassionate guidance, thorough education, and loving support, they are able to find a place of stillness and silence that they never knew was accessible to them. You can have that too.

The stillness is already within you. You will be able to access that place, feel the peace and serenity, and know that it is available whenever you want it…in your sport, in the middle of a hectic work day, before the kids come home from school, on a busy holiday weekend, after an argument…..anytime you want it.

Yoga as a Way of Life

Yoga, in Sanskrit, means union of mind, body, and spirit. While many equate yoga with a fitness class at the gym, yoga is actually much more than poses and breathing. Yoga is a way of life. It involves mindfulness, meditation, and awareness. What you practice on the mat is taken into your daily life and incorporated into your relationships, your sport, your neighborhood and community, and in everything you do.

As part of the mindfulness program, I offer one group yoga or mindfulness class per month designed for all levels. Your yoga or mindfulness practice should be comfortable and you should feel good. Your practice is about honoring your body, mind, and spirit and where you are on any given day. It is about being gentle and compassionate with yourself. I will not force you into any pose. Because everyone has different physical challenges and limitations, I offer variations to poses, so that all levels of yogis can practice within the same class

Transforming the Mind comes from Within You

It starts with your awareness and desire for peace, joy, and light-heartedness, and by making a commitment to yourself. This is another layer of self care that is invaluable and will benefit you immensely. I am here to guide you, support you, and walk with you as you start to expand your perception and mind, and witness more and more miracles manifest in your life. Take the next step by clicking HERE to schedule your free 20 minute Get Acquainted call.