I am here to help
I know that everyone who experiences the devastating effects of fluoroquinolones has unique symptoms and concerns. As with any illness, there is no one size fits all system or program that will alleviate all of your symptoms. For that reason, I caution against blindly choosing products or wellness routines that may or may not benefit your specific issues. That being said, when you get the right products and routines for you, the results can be life changing! I have journeyed through this condition and you can too. It’s an honor to be your guide.
As I was on my journey to research, I found many powerful solutions to the various facets of what I was experiencing. Further, chronic pain and disease impact more than just the body and impact the body in more ways than is commonly addressed. Everyone’s experience is different and unique. Along with the overt symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity, the body and mind can respond with depression, adrenal fatigue, HPA axis dysfunction, anxiety, diabetes, brain fog, sleepless nights, thyroid dysfunction, chemical and food sensitivities, and much more. Through my work with you, I will take an individualized approach to finding solutions to help you regain your health.
By profession, I am a Pharmacist and Functional Medicine Practitioner. By nature, I am curious. By having this condition personally, I was inspired and able to research and uncover what was actually happening in my body and mind and how to help my body heal itself. The approach I take changes depending on what is happening at any given point in time. As the body changes, so do my solutions. We are ever changing.
I was able to fully recover physically and psychologically, which then became my inspiration to help others going through this trauma. I am committed to providing not only hope, but real solutions to help you recover from the physical and psychological impacts of the toxic adverse effects of fluoroquinolones.
As a pharmacist and functional medicine practitioner, I have a thorough knowledge of the supplement protocol for healing from fluoroquinolone toxicity. As you continue on your healing journey, it’s important to have ongoing support to help you understand why you are continuing to take certain supplements. I’ve got you.
As a holistic healer, I can offer you so much more.
I have heard stories of marriages ending, lives being lost, and people having mental breakdowns because of fluoroquinolone toxicity and the psychological trauma associated with it. The anxiety, overwhelm, depression and anger can take over your life. This is one of the loneliest experience you will experience. Unless someone has gone through it, they cannot possibly understand.
Do you feel like you family and friends don’t understand what you are going through?
Do you feel gaslit by your doctors who insist that you are not having real physical pain because all the labs and tests come back normal?
Do you feel dismissed and invalidated in what is one of the most devastating experiences of your life?
It is important to have support from someone who has been there and can help walk you through the valleys of the healing journey, as well as celebrate the wins along the way. I have been there. I have experienced the lonely, isolating crippling effects of fluoroquinolone (FQ) toxicity. I have worked through the anxiety, overwhelm, depression, anger and PTSD from this traumatic and life-altering experience. I have also reclaimed my health. my confidence, and my life. And I have helped hundred of people also work through the trauma and grief. I know the struggles and I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I would be honored to walk with you.
What happens in the mind happens in the body – the psychological impact
Do you feel…
- Anxious
- Isolated and depressed
- Emotionally overloaded
- Irritable and angry
- Overwhelmed
- Hypervigilant
- Paralyzed with fear
- Hopeless
- Triggered
- Invalidated and dismissed
- Socially withdrawn
- Guilty or shameful for having taken the medication
There is plenty of information on the internet and many stories of people who have not healed from fluoroquinolone toxicity. Message boards, on one hand, can offer you solace. On the other hand, they can also keep you in a place of victimhood, anxiety, hopelessness, and depression. There are many different pieces of advice, opinions, suggestions. It can be confusing at best, and overwhelming to try to figure out which advice you want to take. Everyone has a different journey, with differing levels of diligence and commitment to their healing path. It is important for you to remember that yours is unique to you.
Being impacted with fluoroquinolone toxicity is a trauma, and if not properly addressed, this trauma can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Fluoroquinolones can cause damage to the nervous system, which can add to the trauma and make it more difficult to heal. The psychological impacts of having this toxicity are far reaching. Mental stress causes oxidative stress and inflammation, which is exactly what we are trying to minimize through supplementation. However, because mental stress causes oxidative stress, it slows your physical healing and can have a detrimental effect on your overall healing process.
Further, living in a survival mode, feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed and angry is not how anyone wants to spend their days. You deserve better!
There WILL be setbacks. It will sometimes feel like you are taking two steps forward and one step back. Healing is not linear. That is why it is absolutely necessary to have a healthy mindset and a tool box full of tools that you can proactively use to regulate and heal your nervous system as well as stay focused on your healing instead of going down the all too familiar rabbit hole of despair. This is also why it helps so much to walk this journey with someone who has experienced the setbacks and who has helped countless people successfully navigate those setbacks.
I will teach you essential and simple tools to help you recover both physically and mentally. These tools may include easy to do breathing techniques that offer a big impact, meditation techniques that are easily accessible, various vagus nerve stimulation techniques, and simple lifestyle adjustments that will assist in your healing.
It takes time
While your condition may seem to have turned on overnight, doing something about it is not an overnight fix. The fact of the matter is, you can feel better than you do today, and it’s a road to recovery that takes great commitment, support and encouragement. I know because I have been there and this is why I have put together a 3 month premier support program to get you started on your journey.
Our journey together will begin with a personalized consultation via Zoom. Based on a comprehensive and in depth review of your health history, lifestyle habits, symptoms and goals, we will work together to find individualized solutions to help you regain your health and your life. After our initial consultation, you will leave with a personalized plan and individual actions that you can take immediately to begin your journey to healing.
We will then meet once a week for the duration of the three months to discuss various facets of recovery and implement those practices into your daily routine. You will have email and/or text access to me in between appointments, as I don’t ever want you to feel you are alone on this journey.
Schedule your free 30 minute Get Acquainted Call by clicking HERE to learn more. You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole life to regain.