I get you.
I’ve been in your shoes.
While it hasn’t been easy, I have found solutions.
My name is Sujata, and I am excited to share my story and journey through fluoroquinolone toxicity, hope, recovery, and ultimately reclaiming my life. My hope is that through my journey and the results of my research and development, I will be able to offer you that same hope so that you can reclaim a joyful, hopeful, vibrant and healthy life.
First let me share what my life looked like prior to my exposure and subsequent illness. I worked as a consultant pharmacist specializing in women’s health issues, and owned a yoga and meditation studio helping people balance their bodies, transform their minds and empower their spirits. I taught high intensity spinning classes three days a week, sometimes two in one day. I taught yoga classes and was extremely active. I enjoyed hiking through parks and mountains, and bicycling long distance. I am single with four active children, so I was always on the go. I felt amazing.
The summer of 2014, my children and I ventured out West to Utah to make some college visits and explore the mountains and Moab National Park. We hiked, ran, challenged ourselves physically, and loved every minute of it. When we returned home, my oldest daughter and I embarked on a tour of Midwest colleges over the course of 4 days. This is when things changed. I had started a course of antibiotics for a Urinary Tract Infection called ciprofloxacin. It is well known that this class of antibiotics carries a black box warning alerting users to its potential severe side effects. Given my age and my excellent health, I had no idea this could impact my life so drastically. I started noticing tendonitis in various areas of my body, which progressed to all of my tendons. Over the course of a week, it began impacting my nervous system, all of my muscles, my joints, and my cognitive (brain) function. I was in such incredible pain and distress that I could not walk. I could not squeeze a sponge. I could not take the top off of a milk jug. I suffered from extreme anxiety and ultimately depression. My entire life changed virtually overnight, as I found myself in a wheelchair wearing wrist and ankle braces, and very often balled up in pain and sobbing every night. Psychologically, I was wrecked. I was anxious and depressed and was grieving the life I used to have. I was also grieving the life I thought I would have.
All of my initial searches online told me there was no hope for reversal as I read countless stories of others who were affected by this medication, whose lives were completely devastated. I fell into a panic for a few days as I pondered what this meant for me and my children long term. I was soon diagnosed with fibromyalgia, as I had tender points and classic symptoms throughout my body. Of course I was offered all of the conventional pharmaceutical treatments of Cymbalta, Lyrica and Gabapentin. I reluctantly picked each of those prescriptions up, knowing that a pharmaceutical agent had caused the demise of my body, and knowing Western medicine really had nothing else to offer me. Additionally, knowing these medications would only be treating the surface, I wanted a more permanent solution. I did not want a bandage for my wounds. I wanted to fix my body from the cellular level. Additionally, I knew that the fibromyalgia diagnosis was a generic diagnosis because at the time, Fluoroquinolone Toxicity was not a diagnosis. Doctors didn’t know what else to call it. I did not accept that diagnosis because I knew better.
This is when my quest for information began. I was determined to figure out what the root cause of this side effect was and how I could treat and reverse it. So many of the symptoms of fluoroquinolone and fibromyalgia overlap, and I started finding the congruencies between each. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. This was my inspiration to find anything and everything I could to reverse this life altering condition. I had to think outside of the box, using my pharmacy background, my knowledge of biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, and really thinking about what was happening at a cellular level. It was not as simple as searching “cure for fibromyalgia” or “reverse fluoroquinolone toxicity” on the internet. I wanted to understand how to stop the progression of this illness, rid the toxins that contribute to the progression of the illness, and how to rebuild healthy cells to regain health and vitality.
This was no easy feat. There were many obstacles and setbacks. I experimented with various dietary supplements and doses, dietary influences, levels of physical exertion, levels of emotional stress, sleep patterns, and how all of those things impacted recovery. The end result has been amazing. I have worked through all of those variables and have seen incredible results! I am happy to announce that I have reclaimed my life. The Fall of 2015l, I hiked 13 miles through varied terrain in local parks as a part of an adventure day with our local High School science club. I was astonished at my progress and my ability to do this without training. On Thanksgiving, 2015, I ran a 5 mile turkey trot in 52 minutes. My hope was just to finish at a walking pace. But as I started the race, much to my pleasant surprise, I found that I could actually push myself and complete the race with a different goal. Not long ago, as I re-started my yoga practice, I found myself not able to do one sun salutation without resting in between poses. The day I turned 47 years old, I did 48 sun salutations without stopping in between any of them. In May of 2016, I challenged myself and completed the Cleveland Half Marathon, just to prove to myself that I could. I am able to do housework again. I don’t have to decide in the morning if my shower is going to be the thing I do today, or if cleaning one room is the goal I want to accomplish. I get to choose anything and everything I want to accomplish each day, knowing that my body and mind can handle it. I know that at the end of the day, I will still have energy left for me, for my children, for my significant other. My journey has been about finding balance, nourishing my body and soul, and KNOWING that I have the ability to heal myself.
I could have kept our findings to myself. But as I read through message boards and blogs of no hope and lives of devastation, it literally brought me to tears. I simply must share my findings, my system and my products with anyone who could possibly benefit. It is my mission to educate and help as many people as I can who are suffering from fluoroquinolone toxicity. It is my mission to offer hope, clarity, and an avenue to recover and heal.
As of this writing, the summer of 2016, I have regained my mental clarity, my vitality and thirst of adventure in my life. I have come out of a two and a half year long depression, I have re-ignited the spark within me that makes me want to experience everything life has to offer, and I know that if I can do it, so can you. I want that for you. I want you to feel the hope, I want you to walk the steps of healing yourself, and I want you to live again. I want you to feel empowered within yourself and KNOW that you, too, can live the life you are meant to and WANT to live! Click HERE to learn how to work with me. I am here to support you, guide you, and walk with you as you journey to health. Please schedule your FREE 30 minute Get Acquainted Call to learn what program is best for you.