Dietary Considerations for Healing from Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

Healing from being floxed (adversely affected by fluoroquinolone antibiotics) is a long process.  Basically, our lives have been turned upside down and nothing is the same.  We have to change just about everything we do in order to get through our day and to start healing.  One of the most important things that we have to pay attention to is what we are putting into our bodies.

As we fall into despair and hopelessness – as many of us have – we seek out comfort foods.  I know it.  I surely did it.  Pizza, doughnuts, salt, sugar, chocolate, ice cream, bread, pasta, you name it.  Whatever it is that we typically go to for comfort, we are there.  And because we are at a significant loss for the energy and physical ability to stand in the kitchen and cook, we might even be tempted to resort to fast food or carry out meals for ourselves and our families.  While these tendencies might appear to serve a purpose, and perhaps we think we deserve just one thing to make us feel better….they are actually doing more damage than they are worth.

What we put into our bodies is everything.  I truly believe that we can heal from being floxed and we can reverse the devastating symptoms of fibromyalgia.  Healing involves a host of complementary practices and lifestyle adjustments, including what we eat.

Basically, our bodies, after being floxed, are in a state of constant inflammation.  The inflammation is within our muscles, joints, tendons, and gut…everywhere.  This is why we feel so much pain.  And because NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and steroids can actually make our conditions worse, we are at a loss from how to bring the inflammation down.  For me, I couldn’t fathom the thought of putting any more pharmaceutical poisons in my body anyway…so finding natural alternatives was a must.

There are many ways to bring down inflammation, and I chose to start with eliminating the foods that are known to cause inflammation in the gut.  When it starts in the gut, a whole cascade of events unfolds, involving leaky gut and malabsorption issues, which eventually affects our immune system and histamine reactions within our bodies.  Additionally, certain foods will stimulate the release of inflammation causing chemicals within our bodies. 

What kinds of foods can cause inflammation?  Basically there are several foods that are known potential common allergens (allergy and inflammation causing).  Typically, those foods are dairy, grain fed and processed meat, grains, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, alcohol, and fast food.  And number one on the list is SUGAR.  So eliminating or limiting these foods can help decrease inflammation in your gut….and therefore your body.  I am sure you are asking – if I eliminate these foods, then what is there left to eat? 

First of all, lean, organic, grass fed meats are okay.  Non-organic meat comes from animals who may have been dosed with antibiotics (including fluoroquinolones), growth hormones, non-organic or GMO grains.  As is clear to see, none of that would be good for our healing bodies.  As people who have been floxed, we live at the threshold of toxicity, so minimizing any additional insult to our bodies is essential.

Organic fruits and vegetables provide an immense amount of nutrients.  Choose bright colored fruits.  They contain many antioxidants to help fight oxidative stress (hence the term antioxidants).  What that means is that antioxidants help protect your cells from the damaging effects of toxins in your body.  Why organic?  Unfortunately, our country has chosen to continue to allow the use of glyphosate (active ingredient in the popular weed and grass killer, Roundup) in farming practices.  Glyphosates are devastating for our bodies, as they add a toxic load to our cells as well as damages our cells.  And because we are already fighting the toxic and damaging effects of fluoroquinolones, eating foods that have been sprayed with glyphosates will ensure that you do not heal.

Coconut or almond milk are great alternatives to cow’s milk.  Additionally, goat and sheep milk might be options as well as organic, raw milk.  Click here for a review of non-dairy options.

As far as grains go, I find it best to limit them.  At first I completely eliminated them so I could reduce inflammation in my body as much as possible.  It has been 3 and a half years since I was floxed, and I recently re-introduced grains.  However, I limit them and only choose organic.  By choosing organic, I can rest assured that glyphosates haven’t been used in the harvesting of the grains, so I feel like I am minimizing the inflammation in my gut and body.

I love this article on the top anti-inflammatory foods.  Remember, everyone is different.  Depending on your genetic makeup, some of these foods may benefit you immensely.  Others might not sit as well with you. 

I’ve given you a starting point to making lifestyle changes.  Anytime we make too many changes all at once, we can set ourselves up for failure.  Also, anytime we view these changes as punishment or a restriction or something “we can’t have”, we automatically process it as a temptation which then we must fight.  However, if we choose to look at these lifestyle changes as things we are choosing to do to reclaim our lives, regain our energy and our health, then we have a better chance of sticking with these choices.  Start with limiting one of the items above and make it a part of your life, then choose the next food.  You will find it is easier for you to limit some foods than others.  Start with the easy things.  Every step forward that you make to reducing inflammation in your body will bring you that much closer to reclaiming your life.

Comment below with some of the positive changes you have noticed as you “clean up” your dietary intake.

In love and healing light,
